Adjustment Layer

John Deere- 22 Jan 2011, 11:10 a.m. f/2.5 1/1,600 Cannon Power shot S90
The Final Picture is on top and to the Far right. I put the tree images in the picture so you could see the process I took in having a more defined sky. The first picture shows the origanal John Deere green. I wanted to keep that color, I also wanted to change the sky so it didn't look washed out. I added an Adjustment Layer to the photo called color, this gave me the option to morph the colors. being a snow filled day I enhanced all the blues and purples I could. This created the middle Photo. So my final step was to take the paintbrush tool selecting black and I painted over the tractor. This told the masked layer to leave the tractor alone. This process gave me my final project.
Smart Filter
Morning Sunshine- Jan 22 2011 11:37 a.m.
f/3.5 1/160 Cannon Power Shot S90
The Smart Object was good for me to learn. I enjoyed being able to play with a photo and not worrying about trying to make it realistic. I actually had to adjust my photo multiple times, that caused me to go back and be able to start fresh with my original picture. I turned this chicken into a smart object than I I enhanced the red in the picture and gave it a heavy water-brush look. I really like the way it turned out. If you can't tell I masked out the bird in the bottom image.
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