Listen, 15 Jan 2011-9:21 pm, Rexburg ID, F/2, 1/20, Cannon Powershot S90
Dinner Time, 16 Jan 2011-3:00 pm, Star Valley, Wy, F/8 1/125, Powershot S90
Port of Entry, 16 Jan 2011-2:00 pm, Star Valley Wy, F/8 1/250, Power Shot S90
Feeder, 16 Jan 2011- 3:30 pm, Star Valley Wy, F/8 1/100, Power Shot S90
Green was a harder color than I expected because of the many shades. I choose out door shots with an overcast sky. The light one some were so beautiful, however other objects seemed very dull with that allotted lighting. I was a great experience to be outdoors and to try to capture what my eyes could see. If I could do anything different I would use a different camera when taking a deep depths of field. I love my Cannon but as of now I feel that is one of its great weaknesses.
I also had a difficult time choosing a color for the study and finding things to shoot. I think that the season makes it difficult because everything is covered in snow! "Listen" and "Port of Entry" are my two favorite shots. You do a great job of naming your photos - I don't know why, but I find this difficult. You have a great example of shallow depth of field in your listen shot. I like how your first two photos cut off part of the image and allows your eye to fill in the rest.